Happy Corps Day to the Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps!

We would like to wish a happy Corps Day to the service men and women of the Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps.
New Zealand’s Education Corps has had a long history of reorganisation, regulation, and at times neglect, but has provided an excellent service to troops since the first army school was established in 1850. Re-established formally (and for the last time) in 1954 and granted ‘Royal’ title in 1963, the Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps has continued to provide the New Zealand Army the same level of commitment to excellence to this day, raising the standard of education of our soldiers.
Fun fact: The Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps badge is exactly the same, bar the letters ‘NZ’, as the one designed by King George VI (and worn by the British Army’s Education Corps), and is the only one designed by a reigning monarch. King George VI believed the pursuit of learning was above the monarchy, hence the deliberate placement of the crown below the five-flames of the fluted flambeau (the emblem of learning).
From all of us here at the National Army Museum Te Mata Toa, happy Corps Day to the men and women (past and present) of the Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps!
*The corps badge pictured is pre-1963, as the Corps had not yet been granted its ‘Royal’ title.