Voices from the Past


When in England, her (soon-to-be) owner, Driver Percy (Ike) Lowndes, picked up the dog in Towbridge, and taught her to perform some impressive tricks. Floss could skip a jumping rope, play the piano, count to five, sit at a table and order from a waiter, and more importantly, she knew when to take cover during a Zeppelin raid.

Floss performing

She quickly became the much-loved mascot of the World War I Army rugby team when they were touring England in 1917.

At the end of the war, Ike Lowndes ignored a quarantine ban and snuck Floss home with him back to New Zealand. However, once back, Floss had to spend nine months quarantined on Somes Island before she was free to roam.

After her release, Floss performed for charities throughout the north Island and lived with Ike on a  rehabilitation farm near Gisborne, where she had several puppies.

Floss was 17 when she died in 1935, and Ike couldn’t bear to part with his beloved dog, so he had her stuffed and placed in a glass case at his home in Eastbourne. She was later given to the Wellington RSA followed by the Auckland RSA. Unfortunately, little Floss has since been lost.